Confirmation Name Help
Decision Point Program
Recommend session 8 (The Holy Spirit) & 10 (Confirmation)
Videos on Sign up for a FORMED account here.
Sent by the Spirit (All Three videos)
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained
The Search
YDisciple: Baptism & Confirmation (24:12)
YDisciple: Never Alone-Life Withe the Holy Spirit (Four 15 min videos)
Audio on Sign up for a FORMED account here.
We Must Go Out: the Sacrament of Confirmation by Fr. Mike Schmitz (47:26)
The 3 Stages of the Interior Life by Matthew Leonard
A Confirmation Reader-Retreat click here to buy on Amazon
This book provides a basic doctrinal review of the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as prayer experiences-a nine-day read-aloud retreat/novena. A great thing to do the nine days prior to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation!
Daily Meditations with the Holy Spirit Click here to buy on Amazon These minute meditations for every day of the year contain a Scripture reading, a reflection, and a prayer. Fr. Winkler offers us an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit and apply the fruits of our meditation to our everyday lives.
Daily Companion for Young Catholics Click here to buy on Amazon
Young Catholics from age 12 to 25 will really enjoy this beautifully crafted book of daily reflections. Each day has a line or two from the Bible or Saint, a short reflection and a prayer. Perfect for the student who has a minute a day to keep connected to their faith.
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation Sponsor’s Guide Click here to buy on Amazon Conversations starters and discussion questions for three meetings between candidate and sponsor.
The Sanctifier Click here to buy on Amazon
In one of the most fascinating books on the Holy Spirit ever written, Archbishop Martinez reveals to readers the secret of holiness, guiding us step-by-step to understand the gentle ways the Spirit acts in our lives, guiding us to the Father and Son--especially through the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. He then explores the seven gifts, which make us attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit; the consoling fruits of the Spirit; and the Beatitudes, the summit of the Christian life.
Catholic Mega App
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